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- photography
- photograhpy, reading, Running
自由攝影師已經有拍攝經驗五年多, 專門拍攝產品/靜物/環境/美食,拍攝. 除此之外、喜歡風景同街頭為主。 可以參考本人的ig 網站: ideal.food.coffee or scenery.visuals
- 💼 Attend work-related event
- kol, media
- Business networking, Cats, Culture, Innovation, reading
4年Marketing 及 KOL PR
- ☕️ Grab a coffee, ⬜️Do Nothing, 💻 Zoom online meeting, 💼 Attend work-related event
- advertising, education
- Business, Business networking
- ☕️ Grab a coffee, ⬜️Do Nothing, 🍽️ Dinner together, 💼 Attend work-related event, 🗺️ Travel in Hong Kong
- kol
- Dogs, Food
我們是3歲半的柴女,Maru和Nami. 我們可以拍攝硬照、短片、影片、節目,可以出席活動。 我們友善,有耐性,不咬人不咬狗,可摸摸抱抱。 我們懂得很多不同指令,sit,stay,hand,請請,turn,down,咬住物件。
- 💼 Attend work-related event, 🦮 Dog walking
- photography, sale, Sports, vehicle
- Dogs, Fashion, fitness, outdoor
作為一位Account Executive,我的日常工作包括計劃、執行及優化多平台的數位行銷活動,例如社交媒體、搜尋引擎和電子郵件行銷。透過兩年作為Marketing Executive策劃活動的經驗,以及HR工作背景,我能有效地分析活動成效,並根據數據做出決策,從而提升主要客戶帳戶的業績。 此外,我持續測試新策略並跟隨行業趨勢,確保我們的行銷方案保持創新和最佳化。我喜歡跑步、做gym、聽歌、帶狗狗出去散步、飲酒,同認識新朋友,為生活增添色彩。
- ☕️ Grab a coffee, 🍷 Have a drink, 🏃♂️ Run together, 💻 Zoom online meeting, 💼 Attend work-related event
- clutter clearing, design, education, kol, teacher
- Business, Cats, Chitchat, Comics, Culture, Design, Drawing, Fashion, film, Golf, photograhpy, Stargazing, Travel
亞洲小姐最合眼緣得獎佳麗,經驗鋼琴導師,呢兩年唔覺意做咗KOL, 鐘意去唔同地方識新朋友
- ☕️ Grab a coffee, ⬜️Do Nothing, 🍷 Have a drink, 🍽️ Dinner together, 🏃♂️ Run together, 🏋️Gym together, 💼 Attend work-related event, 🗺️ Travel in Hong Kong, 🚙 Car cruising, 🦮 Dog walking
- culture, kol, marketing, public relation, social service
- Business, Business networking, Chitchat, entrepreneurship, Fashion, film, Finance, fitness, Innovation, Language, Luxury, outdoor, reading, Running, Styling, Wine
Freelancer PR+ KOL consultant
- ☕️ Grab a coffee, 🍷 Have a drink, 🍽️ Dinner together, 🏃♂️ Run together, 🏋️Gym together, 💻 Zoom online meeting, 💼 Attend work-related event, 📞 phone meeting, 🗺️ Travel in Hong Kong
- culture, others, photography
- Business, Cats, Chitchat, Coffee, Cooking, Culture, entrepreneurship, film, Food, Music, nature, outdoor, photograhpy, reading, Travel
會計系Fresh Grad. 1年全職木工經驗,主力發展木雕。 參與舞台劇制作、編劇、後台工作、演員。亦會參與影像拍攝。 喜歡閱讀,歡迎交換書藉。 細木工訂製 雕刻、燒黑、仿舊、首飾、擺設 藝術創作 劇本、寫作、舞台表演
- ☕️ Grab a coffee, ⬜️Do Nothing, 🍷 Have a drink, 🍽️ Dinner together, 🏋️Gym together, 💻 Zoom online meeting, 💼 Attend work-related event, 📞 phone meeting, 🗺️ Travel in Hong Kong, 🚙 Car cruising, 🦮 Dog walking, 🧗♀️ Hiking
- Business, camping, Cats, Chitchat, Coffee, Dogs, entrepreneurship, Fashion, film, Finance, fitness, Food, outdoor, photograhpy, reading, Stargazing, Surfing
Hi I’m Moses 今年27歲 其實我冇乜嘢專長 唯一就係擅長聆聽人哋講嘢 做樹窿 有需要可以比感情意見你 亦都可以做你軍師 一人計短二人計長 討論吓有乜嘢可以令你心儀對象愛上你 亦都可以根據你身高體重樣貌 同你襯衫 改變Fashion sense 多謝🙏🏻
- ☕️ Grab a coffee, ⬜️Do Nothing, 🍷 Have a drink, 🍽️ Dinner together, 🏃♂️ Run together, 🏋️Gym together, 💻 Zoom online meeting, 💼 Attend work-related event, 📞 phone meeting, 🗺️ Travel in Hong Kong, 🚙 Car cruising, 🦮 Dog walking, 🧗♀️ Hiking
- catering
- Beauty, Business, camping, Cats, Chitchat, Coffee, Culture, Cycling, Design, Drawing, entrepreneurship, Hiker, Innovation, photograhpy, reading, Travel, Wine
優勢:無樣專業 輕輕鬆鬆
- ☕️ Grab a coffee, ⬜️Do Nothing, 🍽️ Dinner together, 🏃♂️ Run together, 🏋️Gym together, 💻 Zoom online meeting, 💼 Attend work-related event, 📞 phone meeting, 🗺️ Travel in Hong Kong, 🦮 Dog walking, 🧗♀️ Hiking