

Meeting Info

Sessions Completed: 0

Total Meeting Time: 0 minutes

$1,000 /30mins

亞洲小姐最合眼緣得獎佳麗,經驗鋼琴導師,呢兩年唔覺意做咗KOL, 鐘意去唔同地方識新朋友

I can:

☕️ Grab a coffee ⬜️Do Nothing 🍷 Have a drink 🍽️ Dinner together 🏃‍♂️ Run together 🏋️Gym together 💼 Attend work-related event 🗺️ Travel in Hong Kong 🚙 Car cruising 🦮 Dog walking

I know how to speak


My Profession is

clutter clearing design education kol teacher

Do you have same Interests as me?

Business Cats Chitchat Comics Culture Design Drawing Fashion film Golf photograhpy Stargazing Travel



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